Friday, April 4, 2008


My dad had a little accident on Wednesday. He had a big tree taken down in their back yard last weekend, and he has been shredding the brush and cutting up the wood. Well mom went home to help him and they had just taken a break, and he started using the chain saw again. Mom heard the saw turn off, and she asked him what was wrong. He said that the chain saw just cut his foot. They took a look at it and headed for the ER. He almost cut off his big toe. It was cut half way through it, and cut a tendon a little bit too. He has 8 stitches and his toes are really swollen, and is in some pain. We were blessed that he didn't loose a toe or more. We have been praying for his safety, and we feel that the Lord did spare his toe. Pray for healing and no infection. Thanks!

1 comment:

Lula! said...

Awwwww...should I call him and start crying and then hang up really quick, like you did all those years ago? I'm sure it would make him smile, at least. I'm glad his Big Piggie was spared...thanks, God!!!