Thursday, April 17, 2008

APRIL 12, 1995

On April 12th, I celebrated 13 years in Christ. I was saved on the 12th, at the age of 18, and was baptized on the 14th at Mrytle Beach. As I reflected on that day of salvation, it brought such joy knowing that I was a sinner, but have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I have heard many comment lately about how the Lord has done so much for them, and they would be fools not to serve Him, which is good, yet the Lord has reminded me that we must not only serve Him for the things that He does for us, but for who HE is! I am so far from knowing my Savior, I realize daily how little I do know if Him. My prayer is simple...Lord, let me know you more! I praise Him for the 13 years He has given me in Him. I have await the day that I can say that I have lived in Christ more than without Him...only 5 more years to go.

1 comment:

Lula! said...

My Sister...I love you more than words. Praise God for our friendship!