Saturday, May 31, 2008


For those of you who haven't met Lidia, and her family, you don't know how dear they are to me. Lidia and I met through a mutual friend during the time that the Lord had seperated Abner and I for the 3 1/2 years. Lidia was in the `desert´with me, waiting for Matt (now her husband) whom the Lord had seperated her from as well after a time of dating. Matt and Lidia were married a year before Abner and I, and now have two beautiful little girls Rebekah, who is three months older than Susana and Esther who was born in April. I write about the Brodines now, because we are excited about their approaching arrival to Honduras. Lidia is a Honduran, and they desire to spend some time here for Matt to be able to learn more spanish as well as being able for them to spend more time with her family. They are planning on staying with us here in La Ceiba, for the first two months and then will be in another city for the remaining two months. Please pray for the Brodines as they continue to walk by faith through this four month journey that the Lord has them on starting June 14th. Pray for our time together with all these babies, Abner Daniel will be the prince in the midst of three princesses. Pray for God's plan to be lived out while they are here. We are so looking forward to this time, thanks for your prayers.


Susana turned two day...or as she would say,`dos´, (two in spanish) but she pronounces it with the s and just shows her pointer finger. Too cute! We woke her up this morning sernating her with Happy Birthday and she loved when anyone would call and sing to her. The we got ready for a little party that we had for her, and this mommy decided that it's not so much fun having a party on the day of your child's birthday, because you are too busy getting ready for it, that you hardly have time to spend with them. We all had fun though. She favorite gift was her new tricycle...I haven't taken a picture yet, but will soon. I reflected today on what a joy Susana truly is to our family. She has a great personality, full of life and laughter. We are blessed with Susanita, and are grateful to the Lord for another year of life that we celebrated today. God is good!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

6 Months!

I am a big boy now! I have two teeth, am eating lots of foods, and turned 6 months yesterday. Mommy put me in my big sisters old walker today and I LOVED IT!! My big sister Susana thought that it was fun to twirl me around in it and I giggled and giggled and giggled with her. Life is great as long as mommy is around, but when she leaves the room I cry. Just wanted to say I am a big boy now at 6 months.

Monday, May 19, 2008


Since last August, we have moved into a new house, were blessed with a new truck, and have had a new baby. All have been incredible blessings, yet with all these new additions a new budget is needed as well. As we have looked over our budget, as well as the support that is coming in, we are looking at an increase of $550.00 of monthly support. Therefore, we are trusting the Lord for new supporters with willing hearts to support us as we continue serving the Lord here in Honduras. Some people have asked us if we have considered getting connected with a mission’s agency in the U.S., and the answer is yes, we have considered this, but we do not believe that the Lord desires this for us at this time. So, we continue to walk by faith trusting that He knows our needs and will provide according to His perfect plan. If the Lord is leading you to begin supporting us monthly, or as a one-time gift, please send it to the address below. Your prayers are crucial, please keep praying! Since writing this in our last newsletter, the Lord has raised up a $50.00 support, only $500.00 more to go. Will God use you? Send any support to Abner & Kelley Arevalo, 1428 S. Oak, Freeport, IL 61032.

Sunday, May 18, 2008


Happy be-lated Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. I am famous for be-lated birthday greetings, so I might as well continue with the be-lated mother's day greetings as well. You know, being a mom is one of the most rewarding, challenging, draining, exciting journey that I have ever been on. My mother's day didn't start out the best as I woke up with diareah and vomiting, and spent most of the day weak and drained, but as I looked at Susana and Abner Daniel throughout that day, remembering it was because of them that I was included in the day's celebration, I truly was humbled once again that the Lord has entrusted these two little beings into our care. Just wanted to praise the Lord for His help and grace in this calling of motherhood.


I'm has been over a month I think since I have last blogged, but things over here have been good. God is good! A little update, we were in Tegus this last weekend for my friend Patty's wedding. The Lord placed Patty in my life the year that my brother died and her mom died. Patty has been a great friend and congrats once again to her and David. I was the maid of honor in her wedding and will be remembered always on that day as I am sure that I was captured by the camera MANY times fixing her dress. While we were in Tegus, Abner Daniel spouted his first two teeth. We also started some solids with him and he is loving it, though I don't know who is loving it more, him or Susana. Susana loves that her baby brother is starting to do things that she does. She loves hugging him, dancing with him, and making him laugh. No one can make him laugh like Susana can. Susana fell down 7 steps at grandpa and grandma Arevalo's house, but praise the Lord she wasn't hurt to bad, but she returned with yet another owie on her nose. We praise the Lord for His protections. Susana's personality continues to develop more and more and the best word to describe her at this point it FUN. She is just a silly, lively little girl with lots of energy. Abner and I are doing well also, praise the Lord, here is just a little update.