Sunday, May 18, 2008


Happy be-lated Mother's Day to all you mothers out there. I am famous for be-lated birthday greetings, so I might as well continue with the be-lated mother's day greetings as well. You know, being a mom is one of the most rewarding, challenging, draining, exciting journey that I have ever been on. My mother's day didn't start out the best as I woke up with diareah and vomiting, and spent most of the day weak and drained, but as I looked at Susana and Abner Daniel throughout that day, remembering it was because of them that I was included in the day's celebration, I truly was humbled once again that the Lord has entrusted these two little beings into our care. Just wanted to praise the Lord for His help and grace in this calling of motherhood.


Lula! said...

You are the best mother and I just looooooove you lots!!!! And those babies. And Abner. 'Cause I've bought him underwear and that makes us TIGHT, I tell ya.

Marianna said...

I'm so sorry you were sick on Mother's Day. I was also in the bed but for different reasons. I know how grateful it makes me to watch and be with Samuel, so I can relate. I praise the Lord for this calling of motherhood too!