Saturday, January 24, 2009


Abner and I have continued our date nights as a couple and with two small children they are even more needed now than ever. Last night, after going to Quiznos for dinner, we came home, put the kids in bed and then played checkers. It has been years since I have played checkers. We only played two games...I beat him, then he really beat me! It was fun!! We had some good laughs. Couples, I encourage you to take time together...laugh together! It is worth it! I have the best husband!


These were Susana´s words to anyone who was sitting during the home group on Tuesday night. The little girlie arrived with her spirit ready to dance. Do you remember that video of her dancing a couple months ago, well she had her dancing shoes on and was leading adults, youth, and other children into the presence of the Lord dancing to a cd that the host family had playing as background music. Abner had the guitar ready to begin the time of praise and worship, but being sensitive to the spirit he realized that Susana had already begun it. He put the guitar down, had the music turned up and began dancing as well. One by one as other´s entered the house they couldn´t help but to dance. Several commented on how it was Susana who the Lord used to get them on their feet. We praise the Lord that our children are not the church of the future, but are the church of today. God doesn´t want to wait until they are older to be used, He is using them now. We had a great time dancing, Marcia Kearns, it reminded me of our apartment days.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Hey there everyone, don´t give up on me yet...I am still blogging, it is just a little difficult sharing the computer room with the buddy. We were using the laptop in the living room for awhile, but it isn´t working, so I will blog when I can. Right now, Abner Daniel is asleep behind me and I am here typing in the dark. Just wanted to share my interesting Saturday evening...we had just gotten home and I had put the kids in bed and was cleaning up when I heard this aweful noise. I ask Abner, what was that! He said he wasn´t sure. I thought that a pig was stuck in our swamp area behind our house and that we were going to have to go and save it, but then it hit me...the noised stopped...could the neighbors really have just killed that pig? I heard them all in the backyard while I got ready for bed. I went to sleep with my mind wondering what that really was. In the morning, I had to go and ask our neighbor for something before church, I had to ask if they had really killed that pig and sure enough they had. Ana was laughing as she told me how they were trying to do it before I had gotten home, so they wouldn´t scare this gringa, but the water on the stove just wouldn´t boil fast enough. In June, I will have lived in Honduras for 10 years and still I endure culture shock. :o) By the way...hope you all had a great Christmas and HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2009 holds great things!