Thursday, April 17, 2008


A couple weeks ago we got a phone call from one of our friend's mom, Tiane, who lives in Tegus. Tiana was here in La Ceiba, with another couple doing a medical brigade and wanted to know if we could help translate. When we asked her what neighborhood she was in, we couldn't believe that the Lord had brought her to our very own neighborhood and she was just 4 blocks away. Abner spent much of the afternoon translating for the doctor who was there, and the kids and I went and helped out once they were up from their naps. It was a blessing to see the Lord bring these gringos to our neighborhood and the free meds and vitamins that were given in order to bless the people here. This was a week before we started a home group at our house and had 18 of these same neighbors come. We see that people are hungry here for the Word of God. Help us pray for our neighborhood. Susana loved hanging out with the kids at the brigade sight and has become quite popular amongst the little kids in the neigborhood.

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