Since last August, we have moved into a new house, were blessed with a new truck, and have had a new baby. All have been incredible blessings, yet with all these new additions a new budget is needed as well. As we have looked over our budget, as well as the support that is coming in, we are looking at an increase of $550.00 of monthly support. Therefore, we are trusting the Lord for new supporters with willing hearts to support us as we continue serving the Lord here in Honduras. Some people have asked us if we have considered getting connected with a mission’s agency in the U.S., and the answer is yes, we have considered this, but we do not believe that the Lord desires this for us at this time. So, we continue to walk by faith trusting that He knows our needs and will provide according to His perfect plan. If the Lord is leading you to begin supporting us monthly, or as a one-time gift, please send it to the address below. Your prayers are crucial, please keep praying! Since writing this in our last newsletter, the Lord has raised up a $50.00 support, only $500.00 more to go. Will God use you? Send any support to Abner & Kelley Arevalo, 1428 S. Oak, Freeport, IL 61032.