Saturday, December 22, 2007


Many have asked how Susana is doing with the transition of having a baby brother. Today, Abner and I took time to thank the Lord that she has done great! She loves her baby brother and would kiss him all day if we would let her. We are trying to teach her that when he is sleeping that's not the best time to kiss him, nor are his eyeballs the best place to kiss him, but other than this she loves Abner Daniel. As soon as she sees him, she puckers up her lips to tell us to lower him to her level in order for her to smooch all over him. It has been fun watching Susana learn lots about being a mommy and her trying to imitate everything that I do with Abner Daniel with her baby. She now burps her baby, wraps him in a blanket, nurses him, etc. She even sings to him, which is just so sweet. The first time that Susana saw me nurse her baby brother she kind of freaked out and Abner had to take her out of the room, but since then she has become very knowledgeable in the whole nursing experience and tries to imitate all she sees. We have been blessed with this little mommy, who loves her baby brother and her baby.

1 comment:

Infarrantly Creative said...

It will be interesting if I have a girl next...I don't think Isaac will be doting like Susana. He may want to use her for a football.