Monday, March 3, 2008


O.k., this past Thursday as I was doing laundry, I was in between loads, when the dryer stopped working. I heard a thump, thump, and then it quit. I tilted the dryer to one side, then the other, and the same thump, thump continued. I told Abner that the dryer wasn't working, and that I thought that something had gotten inside. We waited a couple days and decided that instead of calling someone to come and fix it, we would try and find the problem ourselves. Saturday, Abner's parents arrived so we decided to invite Abner's dad in on the task of fixing the dryer. Our dryer is outside, so we didn't notice the not so lovely smell that had been festering over the past couple days. After getting the back of the dryer loose, Abner had the privilege of finding the several day dead rat that had climbed inside and that I had probably killed in trying to dry our clothes. O.k. a several day old dead rat, leaves a very BAD odor. We let the dryer run to try and air it out, but the smell was still enough to make me gag and I needed to dry clothes, sooo I decided to wrap some plug-ins up in tinfoil and throw them in with our clothes. I prayed that they wouldn't explode over everything and it worked. God is good!! We now know that plug-ins are multipurpose! Got to love these experiences of life that the Lord throws are way.


Lula! said...

I'm glad someone else shares my love of the Plug-Ins!!!! But what trips me out the most is that you even had the insane idea to put those things in your tinfoil, no less! Girl, y'all are CRAZY. But I love y'all. And no more dead rats, please...eeeeeeuuuuuuwwww...

Infarrantly Creative said...

that is sooooooooooooooo gross! Thank God for little plug-ins. Gotta love those little luxuries of life.

Kaley Ehret said...

What a great story! (minus the dead rat, of course =)
love you!