Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Aunt Chrystal came to see us....

Aunt Chrystal came to visit and we had soooo much fun with her. We went to the beach and read books, played outside, took walks, she talked a lot with mommy too. We loved having aunt Chrystal here and are excited to spend more time with her in June, Lord willing. Thanks aunt Chystal for coming. There will be more pictures posted on soon.


Lula! said...

Scotty just looked at these pics and said, "Kelley's too skinny!" Then we both said, "Abner Daniel is HUGE!" So glad Chrystal got to visit--I know it was a good time for both of you Hofmaster girls. And know, we have a nice pool that will be swimmable in June. I'm just sayin'...

The Brodines said...

Sounds like you guys had so much fun!!! Happy that Chrystal was able to see you all. I miss you!