Thursday, September 4, 2008


This past weekend we took 7 youth from La Ceiba, to meet up with over 170 others from the association of Camino Nuevo. The theme of the camp was against the flow and there we many activities that challenged the youth to be different from the world and to live their lives for Christ 100%. The kids and I were not going to go, but having 6 of the 7 youth from our church that went females, we decided that to go for it. The kids did great! Susana didn't want to come home. You can imagine her and Abner Daniel being the only small children amongst 170 youth, she got a little attention, and she loved it. Since being in the U.S., Susana has transitioned into this little social butterfly saying hello to everyone. Anyway, I realized how much I am so out of the world of the youth. They were talking about a MSN type thing here called Hi-5, and I thought that they were talking about the children's program. I never thought that this day would come, but I realized that it has. Just wanted to share a little clip from the worship time with the youth...I love the way Hondurans worships the Lord, even in the heat and mugginess, we love to dance.

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