Praise the Lord, we have a finished wall! Back in November, the Lord laid it on my sister's heart to ask her church to help us raise the money that we needed in order to build a wall around our house to keep the cow, horses, etc. out of our yard. This was before a bullet went flying through our window and we found out that there are baby crocodiles in the swamp area behind our house. When first thinking about this wall, we thought that it would cost us around $1800.00 or maybe around $2000.00. The church that my sister attends was working on a well project for Africa at the time, so they contributed what they could, but then the Lord prompted by sister to contact our extended family to see if they would be willing to help. We have a very big family, lots of aunts and uncles, and cousins with very generous hearts. Our family pulled together, along with several other individuals outside the family, and the Lord raised up over $5000.00 to build and complete the wall. The love of Christ was felt through each person who gave and we are very grateful! Each time we sit on our front porch and look out through the metal gates, we are reminded of what an awesome God that we serve and how faithful He is to provide. Thanks to all who gave to make this happen. We love you all!
Wow, Praise the Lord. He is truly faithful! :) I had not heard about the bullet or crocodiles living behind your home ;) Oh my! We love you guys!
wait...a bullet came through your window???!!!
and yay for the wall! your house looks really beautiful!
Echoing Kaley...a BULLET? Girl...why didn't you tell us???
Praise God for the fence, your family, and for SAFETY!!! Now...tell us about this bullet thing.
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