Thursday, April 17, 2008
APRIL 12, 1995
On April 12th, I celebrated 13 years in Christ. I was saved on the 12th, at the age of 18, and was baptized on the 14th at Mrytle Beach. As I reflected on that day of salvation, it brought such joy knowing that I was a sinner, but have been redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I have heard many comment lately about how the Lord has done so much for them, and they would be fools not to serve Him, which is good, yet the Lord has reminded me that we must not only serve Him for the things that He does for us, but for who HE is! I am so far from knowing my Savior, I realize daily how little I do know if Him. My prayer is simple...Lord, let me know you more! I praise Him for the 13 years He has given me in Him. I have await the day that I can say that I have lived in Christ more than without Him...only 5 more years to go.

A couple weeks ago we got a phone call from one of our friend's mom, Tiane, who lives in Tegus. Tiana was here in La Ceiba, with another couple doing a medical brigade and wanted to know if we could help translate. When we asked her what neighborhood she was in, we couldn't believe that the Lord had brought her to our very own neighborhood and she was just 4 blocks away. Abner spent much of the afternoon translating for the doctor who was there, and the kids and I went and helped out once they were up from their naps. It was a blessing to see the Lord bring these gringos to our neighborhood and the free meds and vitamins that were given in order to bless the people here. This was a week before we started a home group at our house and had 18 of these same neighbors come. We see that people are hungry here for the Word of God. Help us pray for our neighborhood. Susana loved hanging out with the kids at the brigade sight and has become quite popular amongst the little kids in the neigborhood.
Many have asked about the bullet, is the story. It was before Abner left for Argentina. Susana and I had been up for awhile and Abner was still lying in bed. Susana and I went to her room to play and all of a sudden we heard a BOOM, a boom like glass shattering. I grabbed Susana and went to our bedroom where I found Abner looking around also. We noticed that there was a hole in the curtain that Abner was sleeping under, and found pieces of the bullet on the floor at the end of the bed. A bullet at went through the screen, the glass, the curtain, and praise the Lord no one was hurt, just glass splitters were found around Abner's head. It was a really random thing because we have a swamp area behind our house, so the bullet had to come through all the trees, which had to have slowed it down. Abner was looking to see if it had hit the wall and stuck, but it didn't so it didn't come very fast. I really believe that the enemy was trying to use this to bring fear before Abner left for Argentina, knowing that I was going to be home alone. We didn't share this with anyone at the time, because we didn't want to worry my parents, but they know and now so do you. God is faithful in His protection!
Saturday, April 5, 2008

Praise the Lord, we have a finished wall! Back in November, the Lord laid it on my sister's heart to ask her church to help us raise the money that we needed in order to build a wall around our house to keep the cow, horses, etc. out of our yard. This was before a bullet went flying through our window and we found out that there are baby crocodiles in the swamp area behind our house. When first thinking about this wall, we thought that it would cost us around $1800.00 or maybe around $2000.00. The church that my sister attends was working on a well project for Africa at the time, so they contributed what they could, but then the Lord prompted by sister to contact our extended family to see if they would be willing to help. We have a very big family, lots of aunts and uncles, and cousins with very generous hearts. Our family pulled together, along with several other individuals outside the family, and the Lord raised up over $5000.00 to build and complete the wall. The love of Christ was felt through each person who gave and we are very grateful! Each time we sit on our front porch and look out through the metal gates, we are reminded of what an awesome God that we serve and how faithful He is to provide. Thanks to all who gave to make this happen. We love you all!
What does it mean...literally it means today no circulating, but in other terms this...In attempts to help with the issue of a lack of combustible here in Honduras, the government has passed a law that each car owner must select a day out of the week where they cannot drive their vehicle from 6:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. We chose Tuesday, therefore we have a little sticker in our window and if we are caught driving on Tuesdays, starting on Monday, we will be fined, unless of course it is an emergency or a holiday. So...if you need us, Tuesday is now a great day to find us, because we will be home. Not many people are happy about this new law, but it's one of those things that we just wait and see what happens.
Friday, April 4, 2008
My dad had a little accident on Wednesday. He had a big tree taken down in their back yard last weekend, and he has been shredding the brush and cutting up the wood. Well mom went home to help him and they had just taken a break, and he started using the chain saw again. Mom heard the saw turn off, and she asked him what was wrong. He said that the chain saw just cut his foot. They took a look at it and headed for the ER. He almost cut off his big toe. It was cut half way through it, and cut a tendon a little bit too. He has 8 stitches and his toes are really swollen, and is in some pain. We were blessed that he didn't loose a toe or more. We have been praying for his safety, and we feel that the Lord did spare his toe. Pray for healing and no infection. Thanks!
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