Monday, January 28, 2008


I just wanted to announce that I am too months old today and getting to be a BIG boy. I am smiling lots now at mommy and daddy, and my big sister Susana. They all make me smile. Here I am in my first pair of short overalls. I have to go and get a shot today. Pray for me please and pray for mommy too, because she doesn't like these days.


Sarah P. said...

Oh dear Abner Daniel you are too stinkin' cute!!! I hope you and mommy did okay on your shot day... Gabriel will be getting another round in a few short days! I look forward to you and Gabriel meeting some day! For now, know you are in our prayers!! say hello to mommy, daddy and Susana!

Lula! said...

Abner Daniel, I just love you & those squishy, puffy cheeks. Wanna kiss 'em!