Saturday, June 23, 2007

Why am I doing this??

This question is kind of to myself, but I thought that I would share at the same time. Some of my friends have started blogging or have become a little addicted to the whole, "my space", (no names mentioned) and thus far I have mananged to stay out of the whole loop of all of this. So, why do I start now? Good question! I know that the Lord has placed in my heart a desire and a gift to express His goodness and His faithfulness through writing. For some time now, I feel as though this gift has been dormate. God's word says to 'stir up the gifts' that He has given us, and I think that for this reason I begin this blog. God is constantly teaching us new things daily and this will just be a way to share of His faithfulness in our lives. May He be glorified!

1 comment:

The Brodines said...

Look forward to reading your blog!!! :)